Opening Hours

Central Park Surgery

Day Opening hours
Saturday 27 July
Sunday 28 July
Monday 29 July
8am to 6:30pm
Tuesday 30 July
8am to 6:30pm
Wednesday 31 July
8am to 6:30pm
Thursday 1 August
8am to 6:30pm
Friday 2 August
8am to 6:30pm

Please note that on a Wednesday from 13.00 - 18.30 our phone lines are re directed to our sub contractor PELC who will provide all patient care as required during this time. The building doors are open for routine prescription requests.

Dates we will be closed

8Th March 2022 (1pm – 6.30pm)

5th April 2022 (1pm – 6.30pm)

10th May 2022 (1pm – 6.30pm)

14th June 2022 (1pm – 6.30pm)

12th July 2022 (1pm – 6.30pm)

13th Sep 2022 (1pm – 6.30pm)

11th Oct 2022 (1pm – 6.30pm)

8th Nov 2022 (1pm – 6.30pm)

GP Availability

  Morning (08:30 - 10:30) Afternoon (16:30 - 18:30)

Dr Baldwin

Dr Koak

Dr Baldwin

Dr Koak


Dr Baldwin  
Dr Koak


Dr Baldwin  
Dr Koak



Dr Baldwin
Dr Koak


 see below

Dr Koak
Dr Akpala


Dr Koak
Dr Akpala



Dr Baldwin
Dr Akpala


Dr Baldwin
Dr Akpala


Weekend closed  


Please note that on a Wednesday from 13.00 - 18.30 our phone lines are re directed to our sub contractor PELC who will provide all patient care as required during this time. The building doors are open for routine prescription requests.

Extended Hours

We now offer evening appointments on a Monday or a Tuesday from 18:30pm to 19:45 to help out our patients that cannot get here during the day.

GP Access Hubs

There are two Extended Access hubs; one at North Street Medical Centre and the other at Rosewood Medical Centre. GPs are available from 18:30 – 10:00 Monday - Friday and 12:00 – 18:00 Saturday and Sunday.

Call 020 3770 1888 to book an appointment from 14:00 – 21:00 Monday - Friday and 09:00 – 17:00 Saturday and Sunday.

When We Are Closed

Calls to the surgery before 08:00 and after 18:30 and at weekends are diverted to 08450 750496.

NHS 111

In the case of urgent need when the practice is closed you can call NHS111 to speak to a triage nurse. Your needs will be assessed and advice offered or arrangements made for you to see a doctor.

Please do not ask to see a doctor out of hours unless you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens.

Call 999 in an emergency. Chest pains and / or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.

NHS 111 Online

111 online is a fast and convenient alternative to the 111 phone service and provides an option for people who want to access 111 digitally. 

Your needs will be assessed and you will be given advice about whether you need:

  • Treat yourself at home
  • Go to a Primary Care Centre

If you need face to face medical attention you may be asked to attend a Primary Care Centre.

Click here to access NHS 111 online or call 111 to speak to a staff member.